Microlot Coffee from Santa Clara
Special Harvest 2020
Limited quantities of exquisite beans curated on specially designated, small high-end lots of Guatemalan mountainsides.
Region: Antigua, Guatemala
Varietal: Blend of Borboncito, Villasarchi, & Borbon
Altitude: 1,700 Meters above sea level
Harvest date: February 26
Finished drying: March 13th
Process: Fully washed and dried in African beds
Roasted (medium): Vancouver
Traditionally, a child from a poor family in Guatemala will go to school for 2 or 3 years. After that, their parents will have them work the fields simply because not only that education costs money, but the child in school is one more mouth to feed. It is not the matter of choice, it is the matter of survival.
The kids work the fields, grow up, have kids of their own who then work the fields with them. And round and round it goes. It is one of the key points which keeps the country from progressing.
Finca Santa Clara Scholarship Program started in 2011, when the farm sponsored the first 8 children who excelled the most in their academic performance. Thanks to our supporters, the program keeps growing every year. Today there are 31 scholars! Out of those, 7 of them are enrolled in university.
In total, there are 110 children and the goal is to sponsor the education of all of them through the program until they complete their studies.For the past several years, we have been contributing to this program and have been witnessing the students' progress during our Guatemala medical missions. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic we were unable to continue with our 2020 mission. But, we do have a batch of excellent coffee which we are selling in support of this program. And it is by no means a hyperbole to say it is one of the world's best coffees. Microlot beans are a special kind.
All proceeds from coffee purchased will go toward this program.
Please find the instructions on purchasing below.
Some of the students whose education your purchase helps fund:
Price: CAD$15
397g/14oz, medium roast
Minimum order is 3 bags(CAD$45).
Please send the e-transfer to estherdelvic@hotmail.com
Email us for pickup locations and/or if you have any questions: